Traffic Safety
Parents must follow driving rules imposed for students' safety. Do not park, drop off, or pick up students in the bus lane. Parents choosing to transport their children to school are to stay to the far right of our driveway and enter the student drop-off lane. Staff members will assist young students in gathering belongings and exiting car. Car riders will be directed to the front of the building, where children will enter through the main entrance. Student drop off times are between 8:50 and 9:00 a.m.
Telephone Calls
Please limit your calls to school to emergencies or school business. Instructions for after school activities should be supplied to your child before he/she leaves for school in the morning.
Arrival Times for Students (Including delayed openings and emergency closings)
School hours can be accessed under the "Parent Information" tab on the district homepage.
Attendance Procedures
Parents must contact the school's MAIN OFFICE (732-946-0055 ext. 4700) to report their child's absence prior to the start of the school day. All student absences will initiate an automated phone call to the parents/guardians via our School Messenger system. Upon a child's return to school, parents/guardians must supply a note from the child's physician or parent verifying the reason for absence. The template for absence notes can be found on our school home page and on the Health Office home page.
Please note, if your child has a fever, he/she must be fever-free for 24 hours before they can return to school.
Birthday Celebrations
If you choose to celebrate your child's birthday in school, we ask that you contribute an inexpensive book or CD. We would like school birthday "parties" to feed the mind rather than the body.
Please DO NOT SEND party invitations to be distributed in school. we do not want children who are not invited to have hurt feelings.
Bus Rules and Regulations
In order to maintain efficiency in bus routes, several of our school buses are operating at full student capacity. Therefore, so that we can ensure that every youngster has a seat on the bus, there will be no switching of buses except in the case of emergency and with prior approval by the principal and transportation coordinator. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.
The Colts Neck School District has an enviable record of not having a fatality or a major injury on or near a school bus. This record is attributed to competent, dedicated drivers and cooperation of students and parents. Safety on the school bus is not the sole responsibility of the bus driver. It is a matter of teamwork that requires the constant support of the administration, the student, and the parent.
To maintain this record and to have a safe, orderly and efficient transportation system, The Board of Education has established rules and regulations that require cooperation and support.
Parents should review the rules listed below with their children. students who disregard safety rules will be issued Bus conduct reports. Copies of the reports will be sent home to the parents. Continued disregard for bus rules will result in suspension of bus privilege.
SAFETY DEPENDS ON YOU. Good school bus behavior can help avoid accidents, so we ask children to obey the following:
- Go immediately to assigned seat and remain there until the bus reached the school.
- Keep arms and other parts of the body inside the bus at all times after entering and until leaving the bus.
- Assist in keeping the bus safe and sanitary at all times.
- Obey the drivers promptly and cheerfully. They have a large responsibility and pupils must help them in their job.
- Loud talking, laughter, or undue confusion tends to divert the drivers' attention. Remember- your life depends on the driver watching the road.
- Refrain from conversation with the driver while the bus is in motion. Classroom conduct is expected, conversation should be in normal tones.
- Bus riders are NOT permitted to leave their seats while the bus is in motion.
- Treat the bus equipment as you would furniture in your own home. Damage to seats or other bus parts must be paid for by the offender.
- Remember, the bus and all of its equipment serve a purpose. Tampering with any part may result in serious injury to yourself or others.
- Any damage to the bus should be reported immediately to the bus driver.
- In case of a road emergency, remain in your seat until instructions are given to you by your bus driver.
- Leave no books, lunches or other articles on the bus.
- Keep your books, packages, coats and other articles out of the aisles. Your life may depend on a clear passage to emergency exits.
- Be courteous and responsible passengers at all times. Help look after the comfort of small children.
- Do not open or close windows without the permission of the bus driver.
- Never throw articles from the bus windows.
- Be absolutely quiet when approaching a railroad crossing.
- Learn how to get off the bus quickly in case of an emergency.
- Always enter and leave the bus through the front door. The rear door is for emergency use only.
Second grade students complete the NWEA MAP testing in the fall and the spring of each school year. These results are used to differentiate instruction so that each child is appropriately challenged.
While we provide scheduled parent- teacher conferences during the school year, parents may request conferences throughout the school term. Please arrange an appointment with your child's teacher should you have any concerns. We welcome and encourage on-going collaboration with parents and guardians so that each child may achieve maximum success.
Dangerous Weapons in School
Students should not bring dangerous weapons to school. A dangerous weapon includes any firearm, any explosive including firecrackers, any knife, or other object of no reasonable use to the student at school. Guns, real or imitation, do not belong at school.
A transfer card may be obtained from the office when a student is moving out of the district or transferring to a private school. Notice of transfers would be appreciated as early as possible. Parents should check with the school librarian and classroom teacher about outstanding books.
Dismissal Procedures
Parent/Guardian Pick-Up at Regular Dismissal Time (3:15)
Student safety and security are always of the utmost priority at Conover Road Primary School. In the interest of preserving a safe environment for our students, please review the following guidelines for student dismissal:
All parents signing a child out early or planning to pick up a child at dismissal time must enter the Genesis Parent Portal and fill out a “Daily Pick Up” release form for each child being picked up.
· Parents/guardians are expected to park in the parking lot, not the student drop-off lane.
· Parents/guardians will be allowed entrance to our school building at (or shortly after) 3:20. Parents will not be permitted into the building until all classes have routinely and safely dismissed for the day.
· Upon directive from a Conover Road Primary School faculty member, parents/guardians will be sent to the media center to retrieve children. (Parents may not send older siblings or Elementary School students to retrieve their children.)
· The adult designated to release your child must have proper photo identification available. Our staff members will verify that each child is being released to the designated party indicated on the Genesis Daily Release Form.
· Children who have not been picked up from our Media Center by 3:25 p.m. will be escorted to the main office and will wait with the building principal or other district administrator until parents arrive.
Division of Child Protection and Permanency
Employees in the Colts Neck Township Public Schools are required by state law and district policy to fully cooperate with the Division of Child Protection and Permanency in the identification, immediate reporting, and investigation of allegations of child abuse. Monmouth County follows a dual reporting procedure in which all CP&P referrals are also followed up by a referral to the Colts Neck Township Police Department.
Dress Code
It is requested that children dress appropriately for school. Standards for dress are outlined in Board of Education Policy #5511, "Dress and Grooming."
The superintendent and other school administrators discourage student vacations when school is in session. Parents should be aware that staff members and administrators agree that such vacations are detrimental to the child's school experience and we urge that they not be taken. Please do not ask staff members for specific assignments. Instead, there are a variety of activities parents can organize for children going on a family vacation or trip which have educational value, e.g. keeping a journal or diary; drawing pictures of sights and experiences; interviewing people visited; making a scrapbook of postcards, photos, brochures, and newspaper articles of the areas visited; tape recording special events or conversations; writing postcards or letters to friends, classmates, or relatives; bringing books to read; and doing crossword puzzles available in collections. Many of these activities can be shared with the class upon returning to school.
Entrance Requirements
Children will be admitted to Kindergarten provided they are five (5) years old on or before October 1st. Children will be admitted to first grade provided they are six (6) years old on or before October 1st.
Equal Opportunity Policies
Policy #4118.11/4218.11 - Nondiscrimination
The Colts Neck Township School District does not discriminate in its educational program or hiring practices on the basis of gender, race, national origin, religion, English proficiency, socio-economic status, or disability condition(s).
Field Trips
Students cannot be allowed to go on field trips unless we have written permission from parents/guardians. Permission slips, containing pertinent information about the trip, will be sent home prior to the planned event.
Grievance Procedures
The Board of Education has established a procedure for employees, students, or parent's on a student's behalf, to follow in filing a complaint dealing with alleged violation, misinterpretation or inequitable applications of the policies and practices of the school district relative to provisions of Federal and State anti-discrimination legislation. Details of the grievance procedure are included in the school district's policy manual. Copies of this manual are available for perusal in the Superintendent's Office.
Health Services
All students receive vision and hearing screenings. Additionally, their weights and heights are recorded annually by our school nurse.
Homework Guidelines
Homework is a component of the total instructional program and serves a variety of purposes. Some of those purposes include:
Extending classroom learning;
- Strengthening students' ability to work independently;
- Providing opportunities for students to transfer specific skills and concepts to new situations;
- Developing initiative, responsibility and self direction;
- Promoting lifelong learning habits;
- Acquainting parents/guardians with the work students do in school.
When developing homework assignments the instructional staff members use the following criteria as a guideline:
- Does the homework serve a valid definable purpose?
- Is the assignment well within the pupil's capability to do alone?
- Does the assignment grow out of school experience?
- Is the task related to the pupil's skills and information?
- Does the pupil clearly understand the assignment?
- Can the teacher provide timely and effective evaluation of the completed assignment?
The amount of homework assigned to students is progressive and increases from the first grade through the intermediate grades as students gain greater skills, knowledge, self control, discipline and the ability to handle more complex homework tasks.
Homework assignments are not always "pencil and paper" tasks. Homework may require children to identify, cut, paste, collect etc. Students are assigned reading and may be asked to discuss specific topics with parents. Homework assignments should not only help increase students skills, but also should be designed to make them think creatively and critically as well as expand their interests. Therefore, homework could include researching a topic at the local library, visiting a museum or attending a concert or play.
In order to achieve optimum homework effectiveness for each child, on-going parent-teacher communication is encouraged.
Parents are provided with the opportunity to purchase insurance for their children at a nominal cost. An explanation of the plan is sent home early in the school year with complete instructions.
Lost and Found
Articles will be placed on the table in the main hallway, "Hopes and Dreams Way." Jewelry and money will be sent to the office. We request that parents check the lost and found periodically. Unclaimed lost and found items will be donated to a charity at the end of the school year.
Lunch Program
Students have an opportunity to purchase lunch and/or snack on each full-session day. Our school's cafeteria is run by Pomptonian Food Services. Lunch menus are posted on a monthly basis to our school website. Questions about adding money to your child's lunch account or about food options can be directed to the food service manager, Christine Magnifico at 732-946-0055 ext. 4754.
Medical Alerts
The school nurse will keep parents apprised of medical concerns.
Medication for Students
If your child requires medication during school hours, please: 1) bring the medication to school in the original container from the pharmacy, 2) write a note regarding the time it is to be administered and amount to be given, and 3) bring a note from the physician stating the type, dosage, and purpose of the medication.
Parent Volunteers
Parent volunteers are coordinated through the PTO. Please do not bring younger siblings when you are volunteering in school. All parent volunteers must have completed a mandatory parent volunteer training session before working with students.
Placement of Students
At the end each school year, we carefully place children in classes for the next school year. In addition to placing each child in the best learning environment for him or her, we also attempt to create good communities of learners in each classroom. Please help us with this difficult task by not requesting specific teachers.
Playground Rules
Below are the lunchroom and playground rules and regulations for Conover Road Primary School. Parents are urged to review these rules with their children.
- On the way to the playground, walk in the hall quietly. Stay in line behind the recess supervisor when walking to the playground.
- Children will use the back door when exiting and re-entering from recess.
- Students may not go back to their classroom during recess.
- Students may not go back inside the building during recess without asking a playground supervisor.
- Students are to adhere to the directions given by the recess supervisors.
- Recess is over when the whistle blows. Get in line as quickly as possible. Teachers meet classes on the blacktop. Students will walk respectfully back into the building so as not to interrupt the other classes already in session.
- Practice good sportsmanship and share equipment on the playground.
- Tag and chase games are not permitted.
- Go down slides in a sitting position, one at a time, and do not walk up the slides.
- Only school equipment is allowed on the playground.
- No food or drink is allowed on the playground.
Report Cards
Report cards are distributed four times a year (November, February, April, and June) to students in grades one and two. Children in kindergarten receive report cards three times during the year (February, April, and June).
School Calendar
Please refer to the district homepage for the school and district calendar.
School Pictures
School pictures are generally taken in October of each school year. Information from the photographer will be sent home before pictures are taken and parents will be able to select from various priced packages.
School Property
Fines will be assessed for misuse or loss of school books, materials, and equipment. Report cards will not be issued until fines are paid or books are returned.
School Services
In addition to regular classroom instruction, we offer the following programs and services: art, physical education, health, music, library, supplemental instruction, student enrichment, special education services, guidance, computers, world language, and a school nurse.
Sexual Harassment
The Colts Neck Township Board of Education prohibits sexual harassment of and by staff members and students. Sexual harassment is a violation of state and federal laws. It has been defined by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) as "unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature...when (1) Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly as a term or condition of an individual's employment, (2) Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for an employment decision affecting such individual, or (3) Such conduct has the purpose or effect of reasonably interfering with an individual's work or school performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working or school environment."