If you child will be absent you must call your child's school @ 732-946-0055
The safety of every child in the Colts Neck School District is always foremost in our thoughts. Throughout our nation acts of violence against children are of great concern to law enforcement agencies and school officials. We have become more and more cautious and over the years have developed a number of safe practices that have been successful in protecting our children. One such practice that is widely followed in New Jersey is the Tel-Safe program.
Since 1985 Colts Neck has had a policy that uses Tel-Safe strategies. Procedures are outlined in this policy for parent notification when a student does not arrive at school and there has been no notification from the family that the student will not be attending school that day. These procedures are not focused on catching truant children, rather they are in place to make certain that if a child has left for school and has not arrived, that steps are initiated immediately to locate that child as quickly as possible. We have learned that the best prevention of serious harm to a child held against his/her will is early detection, notification, and recovery.
District policy requires that we follow the simple safety measures below so that together we can keep all our children safe and out of harms way.
What Parents Can Do
- Call your child's school to notify them that your child will not be in school that day.
- Keep all contact information up to date especially land line phone numbers and cell contacts.
Make certain both parents are aware of the transportation arrangements for your child each day.
What the School Must Do
- A school representative must call to see if your child is safe at home if you have not notified the school.
- If telephone contact can not be made, the attendance officer for the building must notify the building Principal.
If the building Principal can not locate the child, she/he must notify the Superintendent and the appropriate local authorities and seek their assistance in locating the child.
Absence Procedure
Please contact the school's Nurse's Office (see below) to report their child's absence prior to the start of the school day. A note explaining the absence must accompany each student upon his/her return to school.
Regular attendance insures the continuity of the educational program. Homework does not take the place of a full instructional day.
N.J. State Education law permits legal absences for:
- Personal illness
- Death in the family
- Religious observance
- Quarantine of family members
Please note, if your child has a fever, he/she must be fever-free for 24 hours before they can return to school.